Another one gone?

Dear Bring Back Strewth,

What a difference a few days away in a big city can do for a bloke.

Well blow me down I get of a plane this morning and the bush telegraph tells me that we are about to see the departure of Kim Roberts……Gee he lasted a while in his job of sorting out the running of the FCRC and it staff.

Mr Roberts was talked up by some as the executive manager who was going to do this and that and sort out the whole show……well that real worked!

Was it not Mr Roberts who had taken over the running of the Economic Development Department…..is it a case of to much to be done or was Mr Roberts pushed out before a new CEO is appointed.

On the subject of the CEO nice advert in today press lets hope it attracts the right person for the job…..new blood, new style and it could be new hope of our area going forward.

On the subject of going forward this week the Seagull is off to Western Australia for business and is planning to go and have a look at the City Of Bunbury and district before our old CEO hits town and turns the place in to a basket case like the Fraser Coast.


The Seagull

4 comments on “Another one gone?

  1. The departure would be because Lucious Lisa can not have anyone employed who is not a “yes” person.

    The disent will always be removed…

  2. Perhaps one should look at what this, no doubt, highly paid individual has achieved during his tenure in the position. I fail to see any evidence of any great leaps forward in the economy of the region, so maybe it is time for him to go? After all we already seem to have a couple of councillors and a new university professor who are supposed to be working on our future.

    • Mmmm Good point, Observer, lets apply the same test to the rest of FCRC and see how many are left!

      I doubt that any councillor or member of management would be left……

  3. The tragic thing is that the Fraser Coast Regional Council, the local government of one of the poorest regions in the country, does not have any economic development professionals on its staff. Until we get serious about economic development our people will continue to lanquish in disadvantage.

    Instead of government of the people for the people we have government by the wealthy for the wealthy and the rest of us can make our own arrangements.

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